Randy Bain
Randy Bain graduated From Oxford High School in 1975, attended Northwest Mississippi Community College, and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree from Blue Mountain College. He graduated from Mid America Baptist Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry degree. He served as pastor of the First Baptist Church in Abbeville, Mississippi from 1979 to 1993 and was called by God to be the pastor of the First Baptist Church of Water Valley in December of 1993.
Pastor's Message
It is my joy to serve as the pastor of First Baptist Church in Water Valley, a mission minded church that seeks to reach those who are lost. My passion is to preach the infallible and inerrant Word of God. I believe and practice expository preaching and have committed my life to it. It is important to read and study the Bible like it is written, to make sure that it is understood within the context of its writing. Each week I seek to help people know and understand the truth of God’s book that He has written to us. It is the spiritual food for every believer. It is through an accurate exposition of the Word of God that people are nourished best, knowing that a well nourished church is a healthy church.
Randy Bain
Randy Bain

Erik Fearing
Worship Pastor
Erik was born and raised in a small Kentucky town. He was born again in a little Baptist church at age 9. At age 14, he began serving the Lord in that same church as a volunteer music director. Erik and his wife Kim met in a revival service in Clovis, New Mexico after being introduced by the pastor’s wife. They were married in 1987. They raised their two children while living in Mississippi. Caleb and Asheton now live and work in the Houston Texas area.
Worship Pastor's Message
As a worship pastor, I delight in preparing the elements of worship and calling the Body of Christ to join me and praise our Father. I am driven to mentor musicians, encourage new believers and engage faithful followers to make disciples who make disciples. The scripture that moves me forward is 2Timothy 2:2 “…the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.”
Clerical Staff